Homebrew Radio Interface Box (RIB) and Flashrib / Unirib for Motorola (Updated)
After I had some massive problems with a chinese Motorola RIBless knock-off, I decided to make my own 100% Motorola spec matching RIB with the 'original' parts. The original box is somewhat around 200 Euro here, far to much for an radio-amateur and to program a single old 1995s Motorola GM1200 only. On batlabs I found a good source for schematics and part lists of the original RIB so I took an old board and some spare parts from the junkbox and made my own RIB. I only had to buy 3 parts (LM311 - Voltage comparator, ICL7660 - Voltage Converter and a few 1N4148 diodes), so the whole project was around 5 bucks in material, time for sure not calculated.